Since states began developing their plans for the Every Student Success Act (ESSA), we've worked with the U.S. Department of Education to ensure that meaningful guidance is provided to states and local districts on how to implement ESSA accurately.
We will continue to push the Department of Education on a federal level and state education departments to implement ESSA by:
Ensuring state plans demonstrate that schools will be held accountable for the achievement of every student.
Reviewing indicators in school ratings should be consistent across the state, each group of students and focused on student achievement.
Ensuring state plans must include evidence of parent and community engagement in the plan’s development and an ongoing plan to engage them during rollout.
Holding states accountable for maintaining a high four-year high school graduation rate.
Making sure state systems must include a measure of English language proficiency for English learners.
Making sure state systems hold schools accountable if fewer than 95 percent of all students or of any subgroup of students were not included in the state’s assessment.
Monitoring state plans to make sure they include effective strategies for supporting districts to improve conditions for student learning.