Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrants
Title III was created to help children from immigrant families and those learning English for the first time become proficient and excel in the classroom. The article also supports teachers and school administrators with the capacity to provide instruction for English learners that works.
How Schools Are Funded Under ESSA
States receive funding based on the number of population of English learners and immigrant students in their school system. Funds can be used to:
Create standardized school entry and exit requirements for English Learners (including a requirement to assess English learners to confirm their status within 30 days of enrollment in a school)
Provide effective teacher and principal preparation
Why This is Important to the National Urban League
The National Urban League is committed to creating and advocating for an education system that prepares all students for success in school, college, work, and life. The communities we serve across the United States include immigrant families from around the world who may be learning English for the first time. Our goal is to ensure that states create the necessary supports to ensure that they achieve academic success.