In today's educational climate, where an uneven distribution of resources threatens to widen the achievement gap between children born into wealth and students growing up in poverty, the National Urban League is taking a stand.

For more than 50 years, we've been committed to preparing children across America for school, work and life. Building upon the work of our equity and excellence project (EEP), we are empowering families, communities and educators to help level the playing field through our latest initiative, No Ceilings on Success.

A Message from President Marc H. Morial

From the very founding of our nation, a high-quality public education has been seen as a  fundamental right. But America hasn’t always lived up to that ideal.

Students of color are much more likely to attend schools where three-quarters of the students or more are poor or low-income, and poor districts with a higher proportion of students of color have been shown to receive substantially less state funding than comparably poor districts that have more white students.

More than six decades after the Supreme Court declared that segregation has no place in public education, America still fails to provide an equal opportunity for all students.

The Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to create a plan to address inequality. No Ceilings on Success gives parents and communities the tools to hold schools accountable to those plans. The Founding Fathers envisioned an “aristocracy of virtue and talent,” but unless we lift the ceilings for everyone, much of our nation’s best talent will remain held down. Through, No Ceilings on Success, every student can soar to great heights.


In 2010, we launched the Equity and Excellence Project (EEP) to bring families and educators into the conversation about education reform. All too often, communities of color are “left outside” of education reform efforts, just as students of color are “left behind” in their education. Through our seven focus areas we seek to expand and deepen opportunities, upend inequity, accelerate progress, and deliver more fully on the promise of education.


Urban League affiliates across the country are participating in the Equity and Excellence Project (EEP). Contact your local affilaite today to see how you can make a difference in your community.